Oct 5, 2014

Reckless Girls

image stolen from popmatters.com

Disclaimer: I hate stories where you have to click 20 times to watch 20 photos. For the purpose of this post only the first photo suffices.

Was surfing through net and found this story. Aside from being the last photo of the deceased, it is also an ode to that unique quality of humans that will forever separate us from machinesStupidity. It is a collection of regular people doing mind boggingly stupid acts for/while taking their last selfie. Some of the acts listed are so stupidly retarded that the story has to be real. The story is also female dominated with the fairer sex putting to question the wisdom of granting them the vote and boy do they make a strong case for repeal of voting laws.

Don't get me wrong this is not a post complaining about the sheer incompetence and looniness that surrounds us, I am a fine specimen of incompetence and buffoonery and am miserably aware of that. I have eloped before exams to fornicate with moderately attractive girls all the while sure that the test exam will be postponed due to sheer power of my imagination or a huge meteor strike, so I am not unfamiliar with the dark arts of idiocy. No, this post is deeper than that. You see, what got me interested was the way the first girl died. The Russian chick took a selfie while being suspended high above the ground on a narrow pole, a fucking pole.

I do not know of any guy that would do what that girl did and neither do you, it would be dismissed as foolhardy. Guys nowadays, you see, are too cerebral. They have all watched the stupid jock in the movies who gets into losing scenarios due to over machismo and getting conned by the wily hero all the while being ridiculed by the townsfolk (Just watch any Back to the Future movie). All the cultural training and education (read pussification) has made the good ol' reckless badass as rare as porn theaters. The days of foolhardy men taking up dangerous quests just for the heck of it are long gone. And like the Internet killed the dirty movie halls the biggest killer of foolhardiness was ridicule. The quiet ridicule of the formless, faceless masses paralyses the recipient, fail and it was supposed to happen pass and it was foolhardy. "Do not let others take advantage of you", somehow got translated into "Never do anything in a situation" and "Do not care what people think", got changed into "What the fuck are you doing".

The girl was not acting for any meaningful gain and put herself under immense danger for a pointless act which people on the message board decry as "stupidity", "silliness" and most viciously "Vanity".I can understand stupid and silly but not vanity. What we have here is plain old youthful reckless abandon, the kind that seat belt wearing, second hand smoke fearing and helicopter parenting people will never understand because they never experienced it. It is like explaining crack to a medieval monk, the subject matter is incomprehensible to the listener.

The little Ruskie did a reckless act and gave away her life pointlessly, but there is the point, we all die pointlessly and if you think that your life has a point then that could qualify as vanity.

I have met guys scared of jaywalking, young guys reacting to minor delinquency like a vampires to a cross. All the guys knew perfectly well what was at stake, did a mental calculation and pussied out. It was a logical decisions and a no-brainer for them. These guys will live a long life that can be encapsulated in a pamphlet while foolhardy and reckless people die on the voyage to the new world leaving behind tomes of their adventure. Girls are even worse than guys in this matter, for all the whining about masculinization of women, it isn't all so. Every girl I have met is a barely concealed coward who would not even  consider going to the attic at night let alone be suspended high off ground taking selfies. Ah, but what use was the act of the dead girl you might ask. Well that is one of the problem of this economics uber-alles world, everything has to be for something, nothing can be pointless or just for fun or just for the heck of it. The girl died in a foolhardy act agreed but the fault remains in assuming that everyone is capable of such foolhardiness. Very few, you see, are blessed/cursed with genuine, non-adulterated reckless abandon and she was one.

The reason I am so fixated with this girl is that we should have met. Our meeting would have made us instantly smitten to each other and we both would have found the other half that completes our reckless souls. We would have singed, danced and taken a road trip trough a fuckin continent. It would have been pure bliss, we would have taken what we wanted just like in the Garden of Eden. We would have scared the shit out of the normal people with our wild ways and you would have made grown men cry with your firearm skills that are suspiciously good. Anyway, due to my limited literacy and your exotic background you would have had to change your name to make it more pronounceable. Mine is Chestnut Barrow but everyone calls me Clyde, how does the name Bonnie sound to you?

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